Sunday, May 6, 2012

Year 3 - Day 127 - May 6

While I was watching the Orioles game this afternoon (and evening, but more on that later), Brad's posted on Facebook that their "U-Pick" fields were open for picking. I decided to just hop over for 5 minutes or so and pick myself a snack. I got more than half a bowl, just more than 2 quarts, for $3 and change. That's a much more reasonable price than the $4.50 a quart they get for pre-picked berries.

So, the O's game. Before it came on, I got my errands done so that I could be back for the start of the game. They've been playing decently and I thought there might be a chance they'd sweep the Red Sox. After 4 or 5 innings, I headed out to pick my berries. I wasn't gone for long and watched another inning or two while I waited for Mike. We went to drop off the car and stopped by the grocery store to pick a few things up that are on sale this week and came home. Watched another inning or so while we cooked dinner and then ate dinner with the game on since they were well into extra innings at that point. When we cleaned up, the game was STILL ON. The last couple innings were the best, because that's when our 1B/DH came in to pitch. I was just worried about him blowing out an arm (I'm looking at you, Jose Canseco!) but he not only survived, he got the Win. Amazing. It was the craziest baseball game I've ever seen. And it was 6+ hours!!!

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