Saturday, May 5, 2012

Year 3 - Day 126 - May 5

One of my biggest annoyances in life is trying to keep the inside of my windshield clean. The outside is pretty easy because of the squeegee (Wow, that word is in the dictionary because it's not saying I spelled it wrong!) but the inside is a giant pain in the butt. I keep napkins and paper towels in the door, but in my current car it's hopeless because I can't actually reach 1/2 the stupid thing because of the deep console. Finally, after thinking about it for awhile, I got this washable microfiber pad tool at Target this weekend. It is going to make me the happiest person alive. It has a point so it gets in the corners and the handle is long enough to reach the parts I can't reach on my own! Happiness sure changes as I age. :)

So I got talked into seeing the Avengers tonight (with half of Baltimore, seeing as how we had to wait in line even though we had tickets from Fandango.) It was fine, had some funny one liners and didn't completely bore me. However, I felt like the action sequences were too long and just turned into "Hey look at the cool CGI tricks we can do!" I prefer storyline.

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