Monday, January 30, 2012

Year 3 - Day 30 - January 30

So, this surprised us last week. We got to spend a couple days getting tentatively excited until Friday afternoon, when some early monitoring bloodwork and physical symptoms put up a red flag that there might be a problem. In attempts to make everything ok again I spent the whole weekend with my feet up taking a medicine to foster a good environment for it to stick. Sadly, today's repeat bloodwork showed that the medicine didn't work. Turns out, it sucks pretty bad even when you only know for a couple days. However, medically this event should be less stressful on my body as a whole due to the fact it's happening more than a month earlier. Hopefully that is true. I was off today because I wanted to stay off my feet until we knew if the meds were working and tomorrow was supposed to be a half day for a dr's appointment anyway so I upped it to a whole sick day. I plan on spending it being annoyed at the universe and more specifically my body. Then on Wednesday I will slap on my happy face and go teach the children. Someday it will be our turn, but I'm getting tired of waiting.


  1. Ugh! I'm sorry to hear this. *hugs*

  2. Oh. I am so, so sorry to hear that. I know there's nothing to be said that can make it better, but my thoughts are with you.
