Friday, January 27, 2012

Year 3 - Day 27 - January 27

Tonight was the series finale of Chuck. I didn't get into the show at first, but about half way through the first season we started liking it and bought early stuff on iTunes. The second season was great, and since then it's had its ups and downs, but we have continued to watch. The beginning of this season wasn't great, but we watched since we knew it was going to be the (real) end. Each season, there was a possibility that the last show would wind up being a series finale and each year it was brought back. One of those years, people decided to go to Subway (One of Chuck's advertisers), buy a sandwich, and write on a comment card in the store "I'm here spending money because you advertise on Chuck, Save our Show!" It worked, and Chuck lived. Throughout the last few seasons there have been several amusing product placement moments with various Subway products and slogans as a nod to both Subway and the fans.

So tonight, in honor of the little show that could, we had Subway for dinner. :) Meatball, of course.

As for the finale, I like to believe that everyone lived happily ever after, as soon as the credits rolled. There were enough little clues to make me believe it!!

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