Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Year 3 - Day 3 - January 3

Sorry, I can't make the picture rotate so you have to turn your head!

Today's post is a "profess my love" post. Or instead, perhaps it's a "profess that which my father loves" post. You see, my dad loves Costco. He could do their commercials and they wouldn't even have to put "paid professional actor" at the bottom. This product is high on his list of stuff he likes to get.

We finally got some on our trip this weekend and made some last night for dinner. It really was good. It looked really disturbing right out of the vacuum sealed package but started looking much better while we were stove heating.

It does NOT taste like sweet pulled BBQ pork. It's definitely more of a smoky flavor. We wound up not seasoning it at all because the flavor it came with was so good. That's a big thing for Mike because he usually puts condiments on everything.

The package was a little pricy at $10 for just 2 pounds, but since there is no bones, extra fat, or waste, it makes it more reasonable. It won't be an all the time purchase, but we'll get it once in awhile because we want to try it in a bunch of things! The leftover pound in the freezer is destined to become pork tacos. Yum!

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