Monday, April 22, 2013


Today was like a bonus weekend day! 99% of the time, my hubby has Monday off. A couple weeks ago he found out he was going to work today because his boss was going out of town. But then it turned out the boss was staying, so there was no Monday work necessary! Woot! We went to Costco which is 100000000000 times easier on a weekday!

High: I now have an arsenal of food at my disposal.

Dinners - any type of real meat is ok, and that's pretty much where I start with dinner anyway. Pasta, rice, potatoes as long as I use EVOO instead of butter are all ok, and one flavor of the couscous in the pantry is safe, too. I bought a salad dressing that I think I can live with even though it won't be as good as my favorite. My V8 Fusion is safe and so is fruit.

Lunch - leftovers from dinner so that I don't have to think about it, Lots of bread & rolls have dairy but I found a brand of rolls that are ok and my turkey pepperoni is safe as well as peanut butter, so I can have a sandwich if I want to.

Breakfast - I have a flavor of oatmeal that is ok (which I ate most of my mornings when I was pregnant anyway, so that's no big change) and applesauce is ok. I even found a pop tart flavor that is ok for fun. ;)

Snacks - fruit snacks, peanut butter pretzels, Oreos (They are dairy free! Can you believe it?!), Tostidos, and teddy grahams

Thank goodness for Kosher labeling - it makes it easy to see at a glance if dairy is included!

Low: We did have to go to the doctor's office today to get checked out. Nothing new really, they just wanted to see him in person to double check that nothing else funky was going on beyond the suspected allergy/intolerance. I guess it isn't really a low, since they didn't think anything terrible is happening and they're glad to see that he's gaining weight! :) According to their scale, he's gained 2+ pounds since birth in just 7 weeks. Woot!

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