Saturday, April 13, 2013

Highs and Lows of a Regular Day

At dinner tonight we talked about how today was the first day that really just felt like a "regular" day in many ways. We woke up at (a new life) reasonable time (AFTER I SLEPT FOR ALMOST 6 CONSECUTIVE HOURS WHICH I HAVE NOT DONE SINCE EARLY PREGNANCY!), went to the farmer's market, ran a couple errands, came home, I scrapbooked while the baby napped and Mike ran, we cooked and ate dinner, and watched the Orioles game. It felt like for a tiny little bit of time, we were in a groove and just living life. We even ALMOST got a smile on film today. Even though he doesn't quite get the whole smile going, he totally says "hi". heard it, right? ;) I remember when I took linguistics in college they taught us about how babies are all hard wired to make every possible sound for every language that exists. Eventually we lose the ability to make the sounds from other languages which is why we can't easily mimic the clicking languages of sub-Saharan Africa at this point in our lives. But it made me laugh that the random noise he made today sounds like hi.

But the real HIGH of today is that my best friend had her baby! How fun that our kids are just 6 weeks apart!

Low: I dunno. But that's ok. Who wouldn't want to have a day with no lows?! Better than a day with no highs. :)

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