Saturday, April 20, 2013


Friday -

High - A friend came to visit and hang out for the morning. Since she has a baby in the family, she bounced and walked and swayed and did all those make-baby-happy type things while we chatted.

Low - After more inconsolable crying and bellyache pain, we called the doctor again to get another plan. Poor guy was up for several hours crying and screaming overnight and even with our best efforts, Mike wasn't getting much sleep upstairs. The new plan is to test the milk protein hypothesis by me going dairy free. Since I had a feeling that was the next step, I didn't have any dairy products after Thursday's dinner. (Since I had dairy at dinner followed by a terrible night, I woke up on Friday determined to try to solve the problem!) There is dairy in EVERYTHING. I thought of the obvious things like cheese and butter, but there is whey and casein in lots and lots of stuff you wouldn't think about. Meats are ok, rice, pasta, potatoes with olive oil instead of butter, fruits (veggies of course but lets not get too crazy) and I did some googling to find other things. Frustrating, but after 24 hours of dairy free there was a noticeable difference in his demeanor. We hope it keeps up.

Saturday -

High - Happy baby slept from 12:30am until 6, ate, ate again at 7, and then slept til 10! Such a difference! Hopefully his belly is healing which is leading to him being more comfortable! Then we went to a family party and he was totally happy to be passed around to everyone. Thank goodness!

Low - I attempted to grocery shop quickly this evening. While there are plenty of fresh foods to eat for dinner with minimal changes, I wanted to have some quick "go to" foods for snacks or fussy baby time when I just can't take time to cook a whole meal. It is so hard and frustrating to have to read labels for code words that mean dairy. It makes me more motivated to know it is helping him but it's still not easy.

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