Monday, November 21, 2011

Year 2 - Day 334 - November 21

As our semester winds down, we finally got to HP3 on the college reading list. I've always loved this one. Back in the day, either the fall of 1999 or the spring of 2000 (I forget which, but I know where I lived so I can narrow it down that far!) I read HP 1, 2, and 3 back to back. I may or may not have attended history class that day, couldn't rightly tell you. People were just starting to talk about the books. I wouldn't say they were familiar to everyone, but they weren't completely on the fringe either. The fantasy aspect I had been told of was not of interest to me, so I hadn't bothered. However, someone who knew my taste in books said "Don't look at it like a magic fantasy book, because really it's just an 'orphan goes to boarding school' book." Well THAT I'd read any day of the week! So, I did. I liked book 1, it set the stage. The moment I was truly hooked was the scene where Harry first takes flight on his broom. It made me want a broom as much as I want a Hoverboard from BTTF! The second book suffers from the sophomore writing slump, so I didn't love that one quite as much. But the third. OH, the third. When you find out about Scabbers, well, that's just a big ole game changer. My jaw dropped, the book ended, and I had to wait MONTHS for the fourth book.

Tomorrow, we're discussing the book and watching about half the movie. I have some real Potter maniacs in the class, so hopefully it goes well. :)

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