Saturday, November 19, 2011

Year 2 - Day 332 - November 19

It's a little silly that this is today's picture, because we ate so much food today and these weren't the most exciting by far!

We went downtown tonight to use a Living Social deal, enjoy some dessert, and go bowling for a friend's 30th birthday party.

The Living Social was for Pacific Coast Dining Company which is actually in Little Italy. (It's on the end of the main street with a glass bump out. I know I've been there under different ownership at some point!) Our recommendation is not to bother stopping by. Doesn't "Pacific Coast" mean seafood to you? They didn't know what they wanted to be. There were fish type things on the menu, but Mike had crab risotto and it was sorely lacking in crab. I ordered ribs from the random menu because they sounded good, but then found out they were out of ribs. (That was weird, but not nearly as weird as being out of lemons as I was told when I requested one for my water!) In the end, we both had food that was fine, but we won't go back.

Since we had time to kill before the party, we walked over to Vacarro's. I don't really like italian cookies but I like gelato!! I wound up just getting a hot chocolate since we still had a party to go to, but Mike had  a huge dessert creation with pumpkin cheesecake, chai gelato, and some kind of fancy latte.

Finally, we went bowling at Patterson Bowling Center. It was the craziest bowling alley I'd ever been to - two stories! Just 6 lanes upstairs and downstairs. Our party had the whole upstairs which was pretty fun. It was definitely old school duck pin bowling, but nice to have the place to ourselves.

Oh wait - that WASN'T finally! Our PA friends were also at the party, so we hung out with them for a little while after the bowling party. Since we were in Canton and didn't want to look for yet another parking space, we decided to walk over towards the Outback & assorted places in that area. Somehow, we wound up in the Fieldhouse (used to be Ray Lewis' place) watching the UFC fight in a booth. Crazy, but true. And gross!!!!!!! However, we totally agreed with the judges on who deserved to win. We also agreed that perhaps we never need to watch another UFC fight because the announcers declared it one of the best UFC fights ever. How could any other fight compare? ;)

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