Monday, October 3, 2011

Year 2 - Day 275 - October 3

Look what's here! It's the Book Fair! For the next 5 days I will be practicing my money estimating and counting skills and putting those skills to the ultimate test! Can I estimate, count, and check out kids while other kids are asking me constant questions about THEIR money? Can I do it without losing my mind? :) Here's the super duper rules for keeping me happy (and friendly!) at the book fair. These rules have been finely tuned over the last 20 book fairs. (Note, I only give these to 3rd and up - 1st & 2nd all get to browse, then they watch a movie while we pull a couple kids at a time to shop.)
1 - No talking to grownups while they're doing money. Stand next to them, smile, and wave, and they'll know you need them - but wait until they're done checking out the other person.
2 - It's a book fair not a stuff fair. Pick a book, then we'll add on posters, pencils, bookmarks, highlighters, etc.
3 - No sharing money - sorry!
4 - Know how much money you have before you shop. Ask a grownup if you need help.
5 - $4.99 really means $5. However, it REALLY means $5.29 with tax. Always leave space when you're estimating from the prices on the back of the book.
6 - You're only checking out once - so make sure you have used your brains, the calculators, and the grownups to get as close to your total as you want to be.
7 - If you forgot your money during class, don't worry - there are 2 days after school where you can shop OR you can shop at our brand new online book fair. The bonus there is that they won't run out of that (cough cough Dolphin Tale) book that you're dying to get and we were out of in the first 5 minutes.

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