Thursday, June 23, 2011

Year 2 - Day 173 - June 23

In my never ending quest to arrange our odd shaped (missing walls, sliding glass door, corner missing, built in bookshelf & fireplace) family room, I moved the loveseat today. This was all based around my idea to move the TV to the other end of the room rather than in front of the fireplace. I was in my next door neighbor's house today and stole the idea from her. Mike's not sold on the idea, but I mostly think that's because it took him an hour to get the whole technology thing setup and working correctly after we moved it last week. :)


  1. don't knock the effort involved in keeping the tech you have come to enjoy working. pick an arrangement and stick with it!

  2. I wanted to only move the stand, TV, and basic necessities last week for that very reason. But we have different definitions of basic necessities. ;)
