Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 173 - June 22

In the summers, instead of watching the summer reality series on TV, I get series that I don't always watch on DVD.  I used to do Netflix, but our local library has a TON of *free* series!  I enjoy Big Bang Theory but always forget to watch it, so we're on the 2nd season of that right now.  We're also just beginning the 2nd season of Friday Night Lights.  I really, really liked the first season.  I've been warned that season 2 is a low point, but I'll watch it to see the rest!  Even Mike likes both of these, so we don't have to play rock-paper-scissors for the good TV. :)


  1. Might I suggest a single DVD plan from Netflix and either a Roku, xbox, PS3 or Wii and stream LOTS more content......


  2. We occasionally get Netflix, usually around Christmas and middle of the summer. That's how I saw the first half of Dexter earlier this year. (We stream through the 360.) However, since my library had all the things that were in my queue for free, I'm taking a break at the moment.
