Friday, June 8, 2012

Year 3 - Day 160 - June 8

I got an email offer for another free month of Netflix streaming so I decided to use it for June. Breaking Bad has been on my list for awhile. I saw the pilot awhile back after I caught up on Mad Men but never continued with it. My favorite part of Netflix streaming is using it with the XBox and the Kinect. The Kinect is more commonly known as a motion sensor for games (really fun for dancing and sports games) but I was unaware that it made you able to control the XBox with voice commands. If you say "XBOX!" it pops up a menu of things you're allowed to command. While in the Netflix app, you can do everything that the remote can do. "XBOX! PAUSE!" "XBOX! PLAY!" "XBOX! NEXT EPISODE!" I know that's not that exciting, but it's pretty cool. :) Today was our last day of kids. We just got back for a couple days next week to wrap up, and then I have a week off before starting my summer activities. If I finish Breaking Bad, then I'm going to watch SportsNight. I have heard of that Aaron Sorkin show before, but I never read a cast list and I never actually saw an episode. I watched the pilot and loved it so that's next!

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