Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Year 2 - Day 18 - January 18

Yesterday I read a quick blurb in the paper that we might get some freezing rain overnight, so I took my phone upstairs with me just in case.  I was crossing my fingers for a delay, but didn't really think it would happen.  Imagine my surprise when I woke up to find out we didn't just have a delay, but a whole day off.  The world around us was completely encased in ice this morning.  It looked like water, but every drop was frozen solid.  By about 10am, there was enough warmth to at least move in the direction of slush, which greatly helped the driveway & sidewalk cleaning!  I was MUCH more productive today than any other day this weekend.  I got a bunch of grading done, I wrote a paper for a class I'm taking, and I managed some relaxation time too.  Very excellent day, indeed.

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