Saturday, July 21, 2012

Year 3 - Day 203 - July 21

I helped my friend Sarah make a diaper cake today for a friend. It's pretty cute. Basically we started with an empty paper towel tube and rubber banded about 8 tiny rolled up diapers around it. Then we worked out from there and put a ribbon around the bottom layer. We repeated with the middle and top layer, and then decorated with some washcloths, bath toys, and flowers. Very cute! I've seen pictures of them but I've never helped in their creation.

On a grosser note, "Killer" didn't live up to his name this morning. At about 5am, he either found or brought a mouse to our bedroom and proceeded to chase it around and under the bed and dresser. I know he kept catching it at least a little, because the little thing was squeaking its unhappiness. Listening to it was awful. Eventually Mike was able to get the (almost but not quite dead) critter out of cat's clutches. Awful, awful, awful. Maybe last night's kill was an accident, because the cat seemed much more interested in playing with the thing than killing it. Once he had it cornered, the mouse would try to escape and the cat would whomp him on the head. Sigh. Of course I only know this because Mike was giving me the play by play while I was in the bathroom trying to avoid the whole situation.

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