Monday, May 2, 2011

Year 2 - Day 121 - May 2

I have been searching far and wide for a few plain white onesies (bodysuits - sorry Gerber, I know you trademarked that "O" word!) but coming up short because they only come in packs.  I wanted one of a few different sizes but eventually came to realize it wasn't going to happen.  ANYWAY, in my travels, I came across the bargain table at Old Navy. Now I realize that babies start out at all different sizes.  And I know that babies can be a wide range of sizes even by the time they turn one.  But 0-3 months? Really? Would a micropreemie even be that small at a year?  Maybe they would.  But our local Old Navy apparently believes that there will be enough of them to sell a giant stack of size 0-3 month "My First Birthday" onesies bodysuits.  I can see making the same amount of each size for Christmas, Halloween, other random holidays.  But first birthday? I bet someone felt pretty dumb when they realized their ordering order. :)

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