Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2 - January 2

I know what you're saying. "Caffeine Free Mountain Dew? Seriously? Is she nuts?" I've heard them all. I've probably THOUGHT them all! Here's the deal. I get migraines from caffeine. It stinks, but it has been part of my life for almost 15 years now, so I'm used to it. It's pretty easy to avoid. I also get migraines from diet soda and the chemicals that make things "light" like Splenda, Nutrasweet, and all their chemical names.

Problem? When this all happened, I was 16. By the time you're at that point in your life, you have sodas that you like! My favorites happened to be Dr. Pepper and Mtn. Dew. Those just so happen to be known for their caffeine content. I said goodbye to them and went on my way.

Fast Forward to college.

I noticed on a Dr. Pepper coupon that it was good for "any Dr. Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper, Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper or Diet Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper." After I scraped my jaw off the floor, I started doing some research.

Enter - the Internet. Seriously people, what did we do before that?! Turns out my trusty friends at VA Tech had access to the stuff and hooked me up. AND Caffeine Free Mountain Dew was found at the same grocery store! We didn't even know that was out there to be found.

Now, it's almost a decade later, and it's still exciting to come across the stuff. A friend brought me back some cans from a trip to West Virginia and my husband's friend realized his Walmart sells it.

Long story for a small picture. :)

1 comment:

  1. Caffeine free Mountain Dew is like non-alcoholic beer. Nevertheless, good picture. Good luck on your daily photo project. I started one too on January 1st. Check out to my see attempt at capturing a photo a day for 365 days.
