Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 30 - january 30th

Another day, another decoration in a dr's office.  Where do you think dr's offices buy this random artwork?  Walmart?  Target?  It also amuses me that someone did the research that shows this blue green color is supposed to be calming on the patient.  I don't know if the surrounding color takes away from the poking and prodding!

After all these appointments over the last 45 days, they think they've diagnosed me with something called interstitial cystitis.  I'll let you know when I figure out the exact pronounciation.  We're just calling it IC around the house.  (And a slew of other bad words, but this is not an R rated blog.) :)  I have to have a procedure done under general anesthesia on Thursday morning, so this dr's appointment was just a regular physical to make sure I'm safe to go under.  It took about 5 minutes for him to look in my ears, nose, eyes, and throat and to listen to my lungs, heart, and abdomen.  Combined with my totally average bloodwork, I was deemed good to go. 

Happy thoughts are appreciated.  The idea of general anesthesia is good - because if a dr wants to put you to sleep to help you avoid pain, I think you should appreciate it.  But it's still scary!

1 comment:

  1. A new diagnosis of IC is very scarey. Here's how to pronounce it: in-ter-stish-uhl sĭ-stī'tĭs. There's lots of information on the Interstitial Cystitis Association's website at They also have a Facebook page where we can talk with other people with IC.
