Monday, October 22, 2012

New Favorite "As Seen On TV" Product

I used to love infomercials. It was a good thing I didn't have a credit card and 800 number privileges as a child because I would have put us in the poor house. (I'm still mad I never talked my parents into getting Color Coat 2000, but that's another story for another day.) One thing that particularly fascinated me was the "If you call in the next half hour..." I always wondered how they knew when the commercial was on! It was years before I started assuming they just always had that special deal.

Ok, so you see, my body has one serious issue. I'm VERY short in the shoulder area. Everything I own that has shoulder straps has to be adjusted to the smallest size possible, and sometimes even that's not enough. It has kept me from getting cute dresses for years unless there's a way to pin them under. (I'm not talented enough to unstitch, deconstruct, and reconstruct clothing.) If I get tank tops, they have to have the adjustable straps or I am indecent. A lot of times I buy petite tops because even though I'm not short, I'm short THERE. (That trick doesn't work for long sleeves, unless it's something that could realistically be a 3/4 length sleeve. My arms aren't short.) This has been a serious problem as I started looking for maternity wear. I don't know if it's just the style this year, or if it's the fact that maternity clothes only really come in S/M/L but almost every shirt I've tried on has been too big of a V or scoop. Some to the point where not only the top of my bra is showing, but the bottom is as well! This is compounded by the fact that I spend much of my day bending over and helping children. It's harder to find a shirt that is work-appropriate than play-appropriate, but I've never really been comfortable hanging out anyway. :)

I saw this product on a TV commercial last year, but since I'm trained to avoid them and intellectually know that 90% of that stuff is junk, I ignored it. Then I saw them on the "As Seen On TV" rack at Rite Aid, but since it was $10, I kept walking. With my current situation, maternity tops are being more and more necessary every day. (I've been in the pants for 6 weeks, but they were slightly easier.) I decided to hunt these down, and they were on sale. Score!

So yes - they really work. It slid down as the day went on, but never slid so low as to not be helpful. Even when it gets to the juncture where it can't go any lower, it was covering me enough to be decent at school. I might need more colors now. :)


  1. That is a great idea! I just wore a tank top underneath or safety-pinned the V to a more modest level. I also noticed a lot of maternity top were very low, I think some of it is just the way they are made. Perhaps so they can be worn while breastfeeding after the baby is born and you are still stretched out enough in the midsection to need a maternity top?

  2. It has definitely helped. Although Mike is somewhat disappointed. :)
