Friday, October 19, 2012


Recently, my life has become much more busy. Most of the states throughout the country are rolling out a new curriculum and Maryland is included in the craziness. It's good change, but it is SO MUCH change. We honestly feel as though we are an entire school of 1st year teachers at times! When I'm not working, I'm doing nothing that requires brain power. :)

On top of that, we happily found out on June 29th (our 4th anniversary!) that I am pregnant again.  I had a ton of doctor's appointments to monitor the progression of the pregnancy over the summer and it was consuming a lot of my brain power. I've been lucky in the sickness and exhaustion departments - it would appear that having fibromyalgia for 17 years trained my body for the 1st trimester! I have had some issues along the way that have made the last 20 weeks more stressful than I would have liked, but today marks the half way point so I'm starting to finally feel like this will be our "take home" baby.

I have been terrified to verbalize this pregnancy all along. We waited longer than the traditional 12 weeks to even say it to some of our families. But with the issues I've been having, my life has consisted of going to work and coming home to sit still. That didn't lead to very many exciting pictures to post. I realized there wasn't a lot I could post of my classroom or view from the couch. I didn't want to explain away my boring pictures, but I didn't want to say anything either. My solution was to pretty much ignore the blog. So I'm sorry about that. I'm also not interested in making it 365 pictures of my stomach or a thousand baby things, so I'm not sure what I will do going forward. I'm leaning towards just posting when the mood strikes like my friend who posts about things that make her happy! I have some random things saved from the last couple months that I might post about too.

We'll see :)

1 comment:

  1. Though if you had taken a picture a day of your stomach you would have an interesting time lapse of your pregnancy :)
