Sunday, February 13, 2011

Year 2 - Day 44 - February 13

I took over a hundred pictures of this vase today for my photography class homework.  Our task was to do 5 sets of pictures.

Set 1 - Outside - Set ISO & aperture at a given setting and then take a picture with every different shutter speed your camera has.

Set 2 - Outside - Set ISO & shutter speed at a given setting and then take a picture with every different aperture setting your camera has.

Set 3 - Inside - same rules as set 1

Set 4 - Inside - same rules as set 2

Set 5 - Inside - Set aperture & shutter speed at a given setting and then take a picture with every different ISO setting.

With sets 1-4, each set of pictures went from being super overexposed & white so super underexposed & dark.  With the last set, the "noise" (grainy-ness) went up with each picture. 

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