Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 357 - December 23

Dunno what all those numbers mean, but they're mine! :)

The test itself was less annoying than the prep.  I was asleep thanks to a lovely dose of (properly administered) Propfol.  (My doctors > M.J.'s doctors) ;)  Mike confiscated my phone so that I couldn't "Drunk Dial" my mom & Sarah like after my bladder procedure earlier in the year.  He didn't have to worry though - that stuff wore off much quicker and didn't make me sick.  Woohoo!  Good news is that there's nothing wrong with me!!  Bad news is that we still don't know what is causing the pain.  But hey, I ruled out a bunch of stuff that I didn't want to have, so that is good. :)

I liked the Doc, the anesteologist, and one of the nurses.  Everyone else there was very much in the mentality of assembly line.  2 different people - a receptionist & the nurse who did my IV had conversations with me without making eye contact.  The receptionist was talking to the other receptionists about who was bringing cookies & coffee.  Both times she needed me to sign something she swiveled around in her chair, said something quick and curt, "This is the HIPA paper. Sign here." (Point) and then go back to talking to the other girls.  I jokingly told Mike that I hoped I had the right procedure done because I honestly don't think she looked at me once.  She didn't ask for ID or my insurance card and instead used a photocopy from my office visit (at a different location) a month ago.  Granted, who is going to show up and request this test for fun?  But still.

Then the IV nurse was chit chatting with the laundry delivery guys and with her face toward THEM pointed at my medication sheet and said "this is where he'll write what he'll want you to take, this is where he'll write what meds he wants you to stop." 

Thankfully, then another nurse showed up.  I did hear nurse nasty dealing with other patients the same way...just not cool.  I am well versed in the medical care available in this town and today's office failed my test.

Luckily I don't have to go back for 19 years. ;)


  1. Yeah, the prep for a colonoscopy is definitely the worst part. You're knocked out for the procedure itself so it's no big deal. I don't know how you did the whole gallon of stuff. I had enough trouble chocking down the 2 8 oz bottles of Fleet's phososoda.

  2. Hints from message boards: 1 - Use a straw to get it mostly past the taste buds. That worked for the first 8 glasses. Then I ramped it up 2- hold your nose while drinking through the straw and use mouthwash after each glass. It was one of the harder things I've done, that's for sure.
