Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 356 - December 22

On the first day of Christmas, my vacation brought to me ....

a gallon of some horrid tasting stuff called Golytely.  In the quest to find out the cause of my abdominal pain that has been coming and going for the last 13 months, I gave in and went to a GI doc.  I've been making the rounds of all the docs that treat body parts in the abdomen, but left the GI guy til last.  As I suspected, he spent 30 seconds with me before prescribing "the test." 

I was a little annoyed because he didn't even touch me at my initial appointment.  We sat in chairs, he read my paperwork, and said he wanted to do the test.  If there is anything I've learned in the past year, it's that most doctors are quick to jump to testing.  Are they scared of getting sued if they don't find something?  I just feel like he could have at least tapped on my stomach or something before sending me down this path.  My urologist was quick to put me through some lousy invasive tests too.

Getting the stuff down was hard.  The original prescription was a smaller amt of liquid, but I realized last night that it had nutrasweet/aspartame as a sweetening ingredient.  The dr on the overnight number didn't know which prep to tell me to take, and told me to do some research and figure it out and talk to the pharmacist in the morning.  Luckily, my awesome pharmacist recently made that serendipitious re-entry into my life, and he figured out a backup plan!  The result was a whole lot of liquid.  You have to drink this stuff that pretty much tastes like ocean water...8 ounces every 10 minutes for almost 3 hours.  Wow.  Even if you LIKE the taste of something, that's a lot of liquid!

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