Sunday, January 19, 2014

Baby Gear Reviews - Durable Gear

Links go to the one I could find that was as close to what we purchased as possible. In many cases, the model/color/style has changed in the last year and so the prices are not indicative of what they were back then. 

Monitor – We registered for a VTech audio only monitor with 2 parent units. The sound is great and I can even hear him breathing sometimes. Occasionally I wish we had a video monitor, but I think I would have spent a lot of time looking at it instead of sleeping when he was little. This one had some issues after we had used it constantly for about 7 months. The base and parent units wouldn’t connect and kept beeping. (Well, it happened one other time too, but that was because we had the base plugged into the socket that the light switch turned off. Oops.) But when it happened for real, I called VTech and they sent a replacement right away.  (Status: Received as gift. Would have purchased this or something similar if we hadn’t. In retrospect would have considered used. If I come across a used video monitor at a good price I may get it.)

Swing – This was the last thing we bought, with the glider. Those were the two things we really just couldn’t decide on. I didn’t want to lose the space that a plug in swing uses, but I didn’t want to go broke on batteries for a portable swing. This one’s reviews claimed only one set of batteries during its useful life. We did have to switch the batteries about a month before we stopped using it, but that isn’t bad. I’m glad we went portable because we really didn’t have the room to lose with the big one. He took naps in this one until he was 8 months old. He has always slept great in the crib at night, but naps were always short. He would take marathon naps in this swing. We probably could have lived without it but it was a nice perk for not too much money. (Status: purchased ourselves at Amazon prices. Would have looked at yard sales (and been successful) if it had been the right season.)

Jumperoo – He still loves this. We don’t use it every day, but we use it frequently. He thinks it’s hilarious and it’s been interesting to see how he’s changed in it over the months. He is not in it for very long all the time, but he’ll jump for awhile while we read or play a game. It may move to the bedroom so he can jump while I shower now that he’s mobile. (Status: received as gift. Would have searched yard sales (and been successful) if we had not.)

Infant to Toddler rocker – I don’t know what made me want this so much, but early on I decided we would register for this instead of a bouncy chair. (Baby fact: bouncy chairs are not the same as jumperoos. I did not know that.) My main thought was it would grow with him and serve different purposes and so far it has. When it was little, we used the kickstand to make it flatter and could lay him in it wrapped in a blanket. We’ve occasionally let him sleep in it over the months when he has a bad cold to keep his head elevated. He takes naps in it still too because right now it lives in the office. (Status: received as gift. Would have purchased. Would have considered used.)

Rainforest Gym – LIFESAVER. I’m not saying this exact model is particularly extra wonderful, but a ‘gym’ that has dangly things and plays music was wonderful in this house. When he was brand new and a little jaundiced, we put it in the sun spot in the family room and laid him down in his diaper for tummy time/UV time. Then we would put him on his back and let him look at the lights and listen to the music. After a couple months he started hitting the toys. His whole laying-down life, he got enjoyment out of this thing. Extended times too. Enough for me to wash bottles or put in laundry. (Status: received as gift. Would have considered used, but definitely would have bought one.)

High Chair – We opted for the one that sits on a kitchen chair rather than a stand alone. We have a small kitchen with a step down into the sunken family room and didn’t want to have another piece of furniture in there. Our version reclines which was great. At one point he couldn’t sit, but if he was in the high chair he would be happy as part of the family and we could eat dinner while it was still hot. (Status: received as gift. Would have bought one of the same style. Probably would have purchased new since it’s something that will get daily use for a long time.)

Boppy – I know that a lot of people find these to be a waste of money and find they don’t use it, but while I was nursing this was wonderful. I actually had 2 because someone lent me one and I forgot to take it off the registry so I received another as a gift. That was even more wonderful because I didn’t have to bring it up and down the stairs. We also used it to prop him up on when he was little and then to do tummy time on when he was a little bigger.  I know there are different brands but I liked the shape of this one. I had a couple covers which was nice because they did need to be washed. I also had a protective cover to go under the cute cover which did a great job of keeping the pillow from getting yucky. (Status: borrowed one, received one as gift. Would not have bought the 2nd one at full price after borrowing one. Looked at a consignment shop and they wanted more than I wanted to spend on 2nd one, but may have spent that much for a first one.)

Bumbo: I wanted one of these. I originally put one on the registry, but then a friend offered to loan me hers for the time period it was useful so I took it off. I made it a mission to find one at a yard sale and I did, eventually. It was hard to find because a lot of people hand them down to friends.(Of course once I had one I saw 3 at yard sales) ;) Like much baby gear, it was very useful for a short period of time. He had good head control but couldn’t sit for what seemed to be forever. The bumbo served him well at that time. (Status: purchased at yard sale. After a couple weeks and tons of sales where I didn’t find one, I checked at a consignment shop. They had a ton but couldn’t sell them until the recall solution straps came. They told me they were going to be $25 without tray, $30 with tray with the straps. They were $40 in the store without tray, so that was too rich for my blood. I paid $10 with tray.)

Shopping Cart/High chair Cover – We used this with high chairs in the beginning of the sitting era when he wasn’t great at sitting for long periods of time. I like that it has its own belt. I wanted to use it at Costco because the belt was lousy in the cart, but their carts are wider so it doesn’t work. I haven’t used it lately but mostly because it got pushed behind the couch when I took it out of the diaper bag one day and disappeared. I would label this as optional but only because I have to remember to bring it and then clean it if it gets dirty. Update: When I saw the picture in the Amazon listing to make the link, I re-remembered that it has a strap for sippy cups/toys. That could come in handy in the near future. Maybe it'll be more useful in the future. I reserve the right to revisit this thought when he's older. (Status: Received as gift. Would have considered used to buy one.)

Baby carrier – We knew from the beginning that we didn’t need one for every day use so we did not buy a fancy one. We got a simple one but hubby’s request was that it convert from front to back use. He doesn’t mind it, but we don’t use it often. He wore it more when the baby was lighter. Baby prefers the front facing strollers now, and when he was little we never took him out of his seat and moved him to the carrier if he was sleeping. He slept so well in the car seat/stroller that we didn’t want to mess with it.(Status: received as gift. Would have purchased. May have considered used if I could find one. Most used ones I saw were the fancier brands and more than I wanted to spend.)

Cow humidifier – We could have registered for or purchased a less cute model, but I like the cow. We use it every night now that it’s winter because the air is so dry. In the summer we only used it when he was sick. (Status: received as gift. Would have purchased, but probably would have forgotten to purchase until child was sick and it was 9pm the night we needed it. Would have done new because they’re hard to keep mildew free.)

Diaper Pail – We did not get the Genie because it has special expensive bags. Our Arm & Hammer one takes generic bags and uses baking soda. It works well enough. The older he gets and the more real food he eats, the harder it is. We flush anything that is going to stink too much and then bag the stinkier diapers with grocery bags before putting them in there. I will say it’s better than just putting them in a trash can because we tried that. (Status: Received one as gift, decided to buy a 2nd for downstairs changing area. Bought both new. Saw used ones out and about but decided that was gross.)

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