Sunday, January 12, 2014

10 Months (9 days late)

Size: 26 inches, 18 pounds 9.6 ounces (What, you say? He shrunk? I know. Confusing. But I'm marking it here because at his GI appt on the 8th, that's what they measured. We even had them do it again. However, even though they have a fancy measuring board, the sticker isn't the whole length so I think the sticker was put on in the wrong place. Especially since he's been over 26 inches for months in multiple offices.)

Clothes: In 9-12 months, length and arm length are ok, but baggy

Eating: 5 bottles that are about 5.5 ounces, plus 2-3 containers of stage 2 baby food. Continuing to super-spit-up anything more textured than stage 2 purees including chunky food, plain old regular not that chunky apple sauce, and puffs. The GI doctor referred us to our local Infants & Toddlers intervention program to get him checked out by an OT (occupational therapist). The goal is to get him to eat before he hates food from spitting it up all the time. Fingers crossed. Also got the go ahead to try foods with soy as an ingredient. The plan was to have him eat the real puffs instead of the everything-free organic ones we found. Since he isn't willing to actually eat puffs, that is complicated. In reality, the allergy doesn't matter as long as all he wants is stage 2 foods, but we want to know because passing the soy challenge is a step on the way to passing the dairy challenge. SO...we pulverized about 10 regular puffs with soy, added water, and fed some of that to him. Luckily it tasted good and he was game. Now we wait for a diaper to check. (It's been almost 24 hours and he isn't screaming with a tummy ache, and he slept all night, so we're hoping for the best.)

Sleeping: Still 11-12 hours at night (except on school days where I have to wake him up early, however there have been very few school days in the last 3 weeks) and a couple naps on an average day.

Physical: He started pulling himself up, but only on one knee or with one knee/leg bent at a funny angle. He gets frustrated when he tries to lean for something and then winds up on his tummy, but at least he's trying to lean for things now! He really likes to stand, either at the ottoman or the play table. (Truthfully, it's gotten better in the last couple days but it wouldn't be fair to officially document that since I"m writing late. So that will have to go in the next month's update.)

Vocal: Lots of talking, d, b, g, p, and n in consonants.

Other: Total of 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom)

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