Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

I was a little nervous leading up to Mother's Day. For the last few years, it's been a hard day. Ours wound up being pretty much like a normal day. My husband got me a lovely baby birthstone gift and did the first bottle in the morning so I could lay in bed for an extra hour. That part was great. :) Then we hosted his family for the afternoon. I was feeling a little ragged because first we had to spend the morning cleaning the house. Then, while hubby grilled and then half-napped in exhaustion on the couch and the relatives passed the baby around, I did laundry because it just piles up. The only time I got to see the baby between lunch and dinner was to clean up a spit up/pee/poop explosion and I was feeling very grumpy about it. Basically I was like dude, it's Mother's Day, and everyone is having fun except me! But I worked really hard at trying to remind myself that it's Mother's day ... and I'm doing mother things. Dealing with bodily fluids and never-ending laundry is being a mom.

I started reading this blog awhile back, when we started the IVF process... the point where we were 2 cycles away from knowing for sure if our kids were going to be biological or not. She was then in the process of adopting, and now her little guy is home with her. She has better words for how I was finally feeling by last night.

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