Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 105 - April 15

One of the radio stations I listen to plays a game every morning at 6:45 called "You Can't Win."  They give you crazy questions and you have to be a serious detective to figure them out.  Only a few people get to try each day, so it takes months to get through all 5 questions.  For a long time, they've been going through #1 and #2.

#1 - Approximately 5% of people do this.  (Answer is dream in color.)
#2 - This ways almost exactly a ton. (Then we got a clue that it was weather related, then weather CHANNEL related)  On Wednesday someone FINALLY guessed that it's the Weather Channel's hurricane tracking computer. 
#3 - This famous person was allergic to carrots.

I grabbed my phone because I KNEW THE ANSWER.  Right away.  I've never called a radio station before (even though I regularly try to get on Smarter than Reagan and I never get through.)

Anyway, just got a busy signal.  So Thursday morning I made sure I was up and ready to go on time, and called the show and got put on hold a few minutes before the game.  (Guess not as many people call for this one.)  And the guy before me got it right.  Seriously?  It takes months to get #1 and #2 and I just happen to know #3 and someone else does too??  Poop.

#4 is "This takes a half hour."  Mike did some googling for me so we'll see if we come up with a good answer.  I didn't have one.  Bummer.  It doesn't matter though because it's only the person that answers #5 that wins the money.

But I got to be on the radio.

Oh, and the answer is Mel Blanc - Bugs Bunny's voice.  I learned that when he died and I tucked it away in case I ever needed to win Jeopardy.  Or, you know, a local radio station contest. :)

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