Sunday, January 6, 2013

Home Improvements To The Max

The home improvements around here are like a never ending chain of insanity. The spare bedroom (aka Junk Room for the past 3 years) has been white walls with light gray carpet. I was totally happy leaving it that way because whatever we put on the walls could be our theme. We decided not to register for baby bedding because so many of the pieces are not usable, so whatever goes on the walls is about as far as any theming will go. However, as I began to clean out the room's many MANY boxes, and the carpet came back into view, we re-realized how disgusting the carpet really is in there. The room was a teen boy's room in the last family and at some point he had 3 neon blue walls with one bright orange accent wall. I'm guessing he painted it himself or at least helped, because there is a ton of paint on the floors in those colors. Then they must have painted it white to sell it, but there's a ton of white paint on the floor too. In addition, there's gum or something equally sticky matting down the carpet in several places. Soooooo, we decided that instead of just steaming it as had been our plan, we will just replace it. Now we need to decide and figure out if it's financially adventagous to do our room or stairs at the same time since the carpet guys will be here. That's all happening tomorrow.

So since we knew the yucky carpet was soon to leave the house, Mike decided that maybe we should paint, and if we do we should do it ASAP so it's done before the carpet switch. So that happened yesterday. It's kind of aqua-ish and could totally work for either gender with various decorations. When prepping to paint, I started unscrewing the plates over the light switch and outlets and to my surprise, one of the outlet covers had been painted (with that lovely bright blue and then white) paint directly to the wall and to the plastic outlet pieces. So when I popped it off, it blew the whole upstairs circuit. Luckily I was far enough away that the spark avoided me, but it scared the bejeezus out of me. Mike got it put back on safely and an electrician is coming tomorrow to check that and a few more things that we've been putting off. (Like the fact that when it rains on a windy day, the GFI upstairs flips and the garage door ceases to go up and down. It's awesome!)

SO that's what up these days, in addition to surviving the stomach bug this week, which I hail as my #2 accomplishment during this pregnancy - second only to making it this far! :)

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