Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4 Months Old

Size: At last Friday's appointment, he was 13 pounds 9.6 ounces (25th%) and 26 inches long. (85th%) While he is definitely on the thin size in physique, the doctor says he's still on pace to double his birth weight in the right time frame so that's a-ok. We really think the height measurement was off at his 2 month appointment because we were never able to get a measurement that long but the mat we have in his pack & play is 26 inches long and that's how long he is, so we think this month is right. :)

Clothes: Carter's onesies 0-3 months fit his trunk (limbs not included) perfectly, but he wears lots of 3-6 onesies if they are other brands. He missed out on wearing a few things because we didn't think to go into the 3-6 tub while the 0-3 still fit. I'm better at knowing which brands run tiny (Carter's) and which run huge (Circo - the 0-3 is still too big!) so we won't miss outfits on the next go round, hopefully.

Eating: Five bottles a day, almost 6 mixed ounces each. (It's 26 ounces of water and 13 scoops of formula which grows to almost 30 ounces once mixed.)

Sleeping: If we're not doing anything that day (and therefore not riding in a car which induces sleep) he wakes up in the neighborhood of 8-9 and goes to bed between 10 and 11 with an hour or so nap in the morning, 3 hours or so in the afternoon, and a snooze in the evening. We are desperately trying to get that 10 or 11 to be earlier, but we're working on it little by little. If we wake him up earlier in the morning, he takes more naps to compensate. We tried keeping him awake once but that made everything worse. Our plan was do move it 15 minutes sooner, wait a few days, and then do that again. Doctor basically gave us that as a suggestion so our plan seemed to be on target. But when he sleeps for 10 hours we can't complain. :)

Physical/Facial/Activities: He can grab things now. He bats the toys but grabs them too. He can grab the ring on his buzzy chair's toy to make music but gets annoyed when he successfully grabs and isn't rewarded with the song. He will also bat at toys on the Bumbo tray now, but that's new so he isn't as good at it. He was more interested in using both forearms to pick the squishy cube up and move it towards his face so he could gnaw on it. He is starting to extend his hands when he wants something, but he has very little control over them so they don't do what he wants. It's interesting to see his brain work behind the attempts though. Lots of funny faces, smiles, frowns, intense concentration, and furrowed brows. He has rolled to his back a few times, but he's very inconsistent. It was interesting to see how a week of vacation took away the momentum he was making in the physical department because he chilled out and didn't have baby stuff in California. He also spent a lot of time in the car rather than playing on the mat. We gave him time in the middle of the bed to flail around every day, but it was definitely different than being at home.

Crying/Vocal: He talks all. the. time. Mostly when we're home. I think when we're out and about he's more interested in taking in the new sights. When we're here and he has already investigated his surroundings, he is very vocal. Lots of vowel sounds.

Me: I've heard from others it could take up to 6 months to feel physically recovered from the delivery. That makes me feel good, because I'm still not there. Walking almost 5 miles in SF (even on flat ground!) one day was not my best idea and I'm still paying for it 2+ weeks later. It set me back a couple weeks in the sitting, standing, and walking departments. I'm closer to healed than not healed at this point in the long run though! :)

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