Wednesday, March 13, 2013

10 Days Old

Today he is 10 days old and we've been home from the hospital for 8 days. Some things to remember later in life:

His swing
His bouncy seat
Tummy Time
Getting dressed after getting changed or bathed
Sleeping in any place, any time, during daylight hours

Pack 'n' Play/Crib
Being changed (#1 cause of screaming around here)
Bath time, even though it's only a sponge bath at this point
Sleeping without being held if it's night time
Having hands/arms inside a swaddle

Tidbits of Life:
Currently the inside front of his diaper has lots of vasoline to help with healing. We are hoping to get the ok to discontinue this practice at his doc appointment on Friday because vasoline keeps diapers from absorbing all the pee! We have all been peed on at this point. We tried a size up, but he's too tiny for them still so that didn't solve the problem.

He really thinks he has great head control. This leads to funny moments during tummy time and when he's ready to eat.

Knock on wood, but he isn't terribly fussy most of the time. He won't sleep all the time at night, but he will just lay in your arms and look around peacefully.

Walmart Brand "Faded Glory" size newborn clothing is smaller than the other newborn clothes we have. He is very very close to not fitting in his few outfits from there. That's sad, because the jungle outfit and blue argyle zipper-to-the-toe outfits are some of my favorites!

He has good hearing because he'll jump to sudden noises like pops. However you can talk in normal voices & have the TV on and it doesn't phase him if he's asleep.

Since he's 10 days old, I'm 10 days into my healing process. That has been the hardest part, because I'm not real mobile. I am ready to feel better in that department, for sure! Sleep deprivation is hard, pain is hard, but both combined is very hard. I'm the only one that can take care of food, but luckily Mike is taking care of pretty much everything else baby related and my mom is taking care of pretty much everything else life related so it's ok that I can't move much and take lots of medicine!

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