Sunday, February 17, 2013

Crafting Fail

Now that we have all the stuff in the nursery, I've been starting to work on the decorations. We have 2 things already, one from my mom and one from a friend. I have had the plan for the last 3 in motion since November, but needed some down time to work on it. We had friends in town from yesterday til today, but I did several hours of prep work yesterday and then about 6 hours today after they left.

And I ruined almost all of my work on the last step. :(

I made a paper craft, and it looked awesome. Even Mike was oohing and ahhing over it. The last step was to stick all 3 pictures to the 12x12 canvases that I bought. I used Mod Podge, as I have for many other things. But because some of the colors of paper I used were brandex, the mod podge saturated it which made it stretch out and then made it bumpy and ugly. So my 4 hours of cutting and taping and my hour of painting the canvas are down the drain. ARGH.

I'm just going to re-cut all the papers tomorrow, so that I only have to re-do the 4 hours of labor. The 3 hours I spent on the pattern yesterday aren't wasted because at least I can re-create it. Then I'll just frame the damn things instead of putting them on the canvas. Even though that was going to be the best part. I am so annoyed at myself!!! :(

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